[SOLVED] - How to Deploy Complete Wireless Profile
I've posted this elsewhere, but I feel this is a more appropriate forum. I apologize to those who have already seen the other post.
I'm trying to find a way to deploy a pre-configured wireless profile with our image. Although I successfully exported the profile from a previously configured machine via
netsh wlan export profile name="company-network" folder="H:\wireless-profile"
When I import the profile using netsh, it does not include the WPA2PSK TKIP key. (When the machine attempts to connect, it asks for the key.)
netsh wlan add profile filename="H:\wireless-profile\weth0-company-network.xml" user=all
So I decided to try my hand at creating a GPO (Computer Configuration > Windows Settings > Security Settings > Wireless) by importing the XML file created above, but when I import the XML above, I receive a "The Network Key has been removed
from this profile" message. This happens even when I set <protected>false</protected> and include the key unencrypted (<keyMaterial>UNENCRYPTED</keyMaterial>) when I import. Thinking there was a place within the GPO to add
the passPhrase I didn't worry about it much, until I discovered that there wasn't a place to key in the passPhrase.
Lastly, I'm aware that Windows allows one to copy an already configured wireless profile to a USB flash drive, but its my understanding that the `setupSNK.exe` that gets created doesn't accept any of the standard silent/quiet switches. Furthermore,
the file won't even launch when its not run from a flash; it simply doesn't launch or it launches and immediately quits.
So, How do I overcome the limitations above, meaning, how can I silently deploy a pre-configured wireless profile?
Can this be done via VBScript or PowerShell or am I forced to use some third-party tool like zwlancfg?
Update: Although there's no solution here that addresses my ultimate goal, a solution has been offered here
June 9th, 2010 4:37pm
Although there's no solution here that addresses my ultimate goal, a solution has been offered here
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February 16th, 2011 8:10am